Joe Buys a Pelvic Guard

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It isn’t every day a dad has to figure out how to find the right pelvic guard for his daughter. Here are some tips!

Joe writes: My daughter brought home a note from school today that says they will be trying a bunch of different olympic sports in her gym class. One is girls wresting and it says she needs a pelvic guard. Help! How do I know what guard to get my daughter?

Figuring this out isn’t all that much easier than learning about tampons Joe! There are a bunch of different pelvic protectors out there. Lots of times they will be called other things, like jills, or female cups. They all do the same thing, keeping us safe from the impact of a softball or in the case of wrestling a knee or elbow that pushes someplace sensitive.

If you daughter is asking for help with it shes probably the age that a cool looking one would be good. We recommend purple. It isn’t really technically different than any other one and does the same job but will give her a bit of confidence knowing shes in something modern.

The one we’ve shown here is a lobloo – that is pronounced as low blow. They have a neat video that shows putting it on and taking it off so she knows how to do it. Remember though in the video its shown over top of shorts – that isn’t how they are actually worn. They go under the shorts.

On that topic, she doesn’t need to wear underwear under the guard. She can try with panties on but may find they bunch and feel uncomfy under the guard. Wearing the guard directly against her skin will prevent that feeling. The guard is not really pad compatible but she needs to be wearing a tampon for most sports anyway and they work great with those.

Usually for girls wrestling she will wear the guard and then shorts overtop and quite possibly a wrestling singlet over everything.

Your daughter should wear it around home at least a few times before school so she gets used to the feeling. If she puts it on when she gets home and wears it until bed a few times she should be all set.

Good luck dad! Sounds like she can count on you to help when she needs it. That’s what every girl wants from her dad.

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